Graduate Students


Graduate Students

The Blum Initiative Graduate Research Grant (BIGRG) are internal funds, intended to sponsor collaborative research between graduate students and at least one faculty member. Additionally, funds should be used to contribute to the Blum Initiative’s mission. Specifically, the Blum Initiative aims to encourage the study of poverty throughout the world (including developing countries and/or rich democracies), across the U.S., and especially within the Inland Empire and Southern California. By poverty, the Blum Initiative is interested in relative and material deprivation, economic insecurity, and a host of related inequalities and disparities.

  • Funding and Use
    • Funding & Use of Funds Approximately four BIGRG’s will be awarded annually and each will not exceed $4,000. The exact number and amount of funding will depend on the quantity and quality of applications.
    • Grant monies may be used for any activity or cost directly related to the research proposal, including – but not limited to – data acquisition, a stipend for time in field, research supplies/equipment (with the understanding that all such equipment and supplies remains the property of the Blum Initiative for Global and Regional Poverty for use under its auspices after the conclusion of the award period), salary for the graduate student, and travel for research. Funds may not be used as additional salary for the faculty advisor, for hiring administrative staff or consultants, or to support the research of another institution. Anticipated expenditures should be included in the budget justification (see application requirements, below). Any major changes regarding the use of funds must be submitted in writing as an amendment and will be authorized at the discretion of the Blum Initiative’s director.
  • Eligibility
    • Proposals are invited from all UC Riverside graduate students, who have

    a) completed at least one quarter of coursework at UCR prior to the application deadline,
    b) are currently enrolled in a graduate or professional degree-seeking program,
    c) are in good academic standing, and
    e) who plan to use the award for collaboration with a UC Riverside faculty member.

  • Application Review
    • The Blum Initiative’s steering committee and staff will review applications. The assessment will consider the extent to which the proposal aligns with the objectives of the Blum Initiative, the potential quality and impact of the research, the rigor of the research design, and the applicant’s demonstrated scholarly record and potential. Proposals with the potential for high impact, innovation, and that challenge existing approaches/understandings are encouraged. Decisions should be made promptly and all applicants will be notified via email.